Using Influencers to Crush Social Media in 2018

Jake Bjorseth
2 min readSep 17, 2018

What is Influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is businesses and/or brands partnering with any individual with an ‘influence’ such as followers on social media, or something as simple as just being popular.

Here’s an example:

We’ve actually had the opportunity to experience this ourselves with a friend of ours, David Meltzer. We sat down with one of the most notorious sports marketers/ and public speakers in the country who was gracious enough to give us young entrepreneurs his time and knowledge. The fact that we have his name and face on our social media accounts brings us more notability and overall a better presence to our clients.

This is just one example, but this model can be replicated at any level really. Fitness and apparel industries are known for great influencer marketing deals, and it’s becoming more and more common across new industries.

Here’s an overview of why influencer marketing works so well:

Influencer marketing is great on multiple levels.


Consumers don’t want to engage with big brands on social media and conversion rates are at an all time low. With influencer marketing however you can easily and effectively engage and convert as there is a individual acting as a mediator between your brand and potential customers.

Product Placement

Product placement is everything. Influencer marketing allows you to have the most optimal product placement. It shows your product in use by valued customers and those customers are now directly promoting the brand while with the product.


Influencer marketing is cheap. Comparatively it’ll be cheaper than any marketing strategy you use even email and FB ads. This allows you to invest more yielding an even larger return.

My final piece of influencer marketing is this: don’t do it alone, and here’s why:

Influencers get contacted by dozens of brands on a daily basis all saying the same thing.

Therefore, you need a way to get their attention and nurture a real relationship.

If you treat them as simply an asset, the relationship will show it.

The best influencer partnerships work as relationships ultimately becoming brand evangelists — someone who is heavily interested in the company’s success and will provide any value necessary to see it.

  1. Target the right influencers that truly appreciate your brand and who’s audience aligns with it
  2. Provide value beyond a commission or free product(s)
  3. Give influencers creative space. Don’t send them a framework or make them follow standard models. If so it will end up looking like just another ad, devaluing the influencer and yourself.

For more information on influencer marketing feel free to contact me at



Jake Bjorseth

GEN Z Marketing | Founder @ Trndsttrs Media | Mom’s Favorite Son